Advertisements Complaints Redressal Committee (ACRC) at its maiden meeting here on Saturday decided to evolve a mechanism to identify the dummy publications and then remove them from the central media list. During the deliberations it was also observed that few dummy publications have started their propaganda through social media by casting doubts even before the committee started its work. The meeting reiterated that the committee will work with the media representative bodies and regular publications will be treated on priority. The committee finalized the first draft and shared it with the members for further deliberations before making it public. DG PID Lahore Shafqat Abbass who chaired the meeting said every possible effort would be made to address the grievances of the complainants from national and regional newspapers. Terms of the Reference (TORs) were also drafted and it was decided that complaints will be lodged through prescribed format which will be available online. The meeting expressed gratitude to All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE), Pakistan Federation of Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Columnists, veteran journalists and other journalists Organizations who assured full support to the efforts of Press Information Department. Deputy General Advertisements Islamabad attended the meeting in person whereas the Director General PID Karachi and Peshawar as well as Director Home Publicity Islamabad attended the meeting through Zoom.