Federal government has recently promulgated local government ordinance and devolved education to the level secondary education. Different representatives of teacher associations visited the ministry and met the officials of mofept regarding their concerns after the promulgation of the ordinance. These representatives expressed their concerns against devolution of education department as this is likely to impact the service structure including security of service. They said that it is also likely to impact adversely various service benefits and related perks. They were also apprehensive of loss of loan and housing facilities as the local government may not be able to protect their potential financial privileges. They were also fearfull of political interference due to devolution . The ministry addressed their concerns by assuring them that the ordinance has been recently enacted and there is considerable transition period to implement the plan. How ever the ministry assured them that all their existing service structures and benefits will remain protected. They were assured of ministry's full assistance during the transition period to ensure that the matters are resolved amicably in a manner that it doesn't adversely impact their service structures. The ministry showed its commitment that the main stakeholders including teaching staff and other employees will be kept engaged in all matters relating to their service conditions during the transition.