Embargoed: Not to be published/broadcasted/issued before 12:00 am 20th November, 2021
PR No.164
Message from Dr. Arif Alvi President Islamic Republic of Pakistan On the occasion of World Children's Day 20th November, 2021
Islamabad: November 19, 2021

World Children's Day is celebrated each year on 20th November to reaffirm Pakistan's commitments to safeguard children and their rights that are recognized not only under the Constitution but also under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the ILO Conventions and other international instruments ratified by Pakistan. This year as we continue to battle the Covid 19 pandemic, Pakistan vows to build a better future for its children. The Government remains committed to protecting every child from poverty, violence, and abuse. We continue to strive to ensure that every child receives quality education and healthcare and no child is discriminated against on the basis of his or her ethnicity, religion or gender. On this day we also pledge to protect our children from the extreme effects of climate change. However, in order to rebuild ourselves it is extremely important that we work collectively and the media, community, parents and children themselves come together and play their constructive role in the national effort to improve the lives of children in Pakistan. Let us come out of this pandemic stronger and work towards a better post-covid future for every child.
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Embargoed: Not to be published/broadcasted/issued before 12:00 am 20th November, 2021