High Commissioner Moazzam Ahmad Khan held the 9th virtual 'Khuli Katchehry' with the British Pakistani community in the UK on 13 October 2021. The diaspora members discussed and sought redressal of their issues regarding visas, NICOPs, POCs, passports and property matters in Pakistan. As per the directions of Prime Minister Imran Khan, the High Commissioner holds the Virtual Khuli Katchehri every month, says a press release received here today from London. The High Commissioner redressed some problems of the community members instantly assuring that the remaining issues would be taken up with the concerned authorities in Pakistan. He also welcomed the suggestions of the diaspora members for the improvement of the consular services at the Mission. A large number of community members attended the virtual interaction. They appreciated the initiative of virtual Khuli Katchehri at the Mission and termed it a useful platform for community facilitation.