PR No. 81
Islamabad: March 17, 2021

Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Syed Fakhar Imam and Federal Secretary for National Food Security and Research, Ghufran Memon chaired a meeting regarding the revival of cotton. Ministers and Secretaries of agriculture from all provinces were present at the meeting to revive, resuscitate and refresh cotton cultivation in Pakistan. In Sindh, out of 341 cotton gins, only about half are functioning due to declining cotton production. It was suggested by the Sindh provincial agriculture ministry that a sum of 3 billion rupees is estimated for the revival of cotton crop in Sindh in terms of research, genetic engineering amongst other services for the farmers. It was also suggested that a minimum support price should be timely announced as an incentive for farmers. Punjab’s agricultural ministry’s representative pointed out the need for streamlining the availability of pesticide, availability of improved variety of seeds and the area-wise identification of varieties at hand. KPK’s secretary for agriculture said that DI Khan in KPK cultivates cotton and incentives for cultivation to cotton farmers is essential. Ginning mills should be set up in KPK to increase cotton cultivation following the model of sugar mills to increase production of sugar cane. DG Agriculture, Balochistan sad that 17 districts of Balochistan are producing cotton and are currently in production stages. 4 districts of Balochistan are producing organic cotton and more organic cotton production is being promoted in Balochistan. The Balochistan government is also signing MoUs with various companies to support the production of non-GMO cotton seeds. The Federal minister informed that there are 3 major varieties of cotton seed available. 23000 tons of certified cotton seed is available with a germination percentage of 75% as compared to a 47% germination rate last year. Punjab seed council has introduced 17 new varieties including a double-gene variety whereas Sindh has introduced 3 varieties. The federal minister said, “Cotton growers need to be given confidence and relief and will be given incentives by the federal and provincial governments in form of cotton specific subsidies.” He also said that subsidy on pesticides for whitefly and pink bollworm and subsidies on cotton seed will be given to cotton growers. The minister added, “…and it will be ensured that the subsidy reaches the farmers and does not get lost in the middle.” Along with this, subsidy for tractors and loan markups and fertilizer will also be provided for farmrs in general. Conclusively, the minister advised against the mixing of cotton varieties as it lowers the quality of cotton and to reduce trash content in cotton that can lead to lower profitability. He also advised district wise monitoring of cotton growth and said that a total of 6 million bails of cotton are expected to be grown this year.