Secretary, MNC, Akbar Durrani visited the Anti Narcotics Force Academy in Islamabad today. Upon his arrival, he was received by the Commandant ANF Academy, Brig. Akhtar Aleem, who then gave a comprehensive briefing about the role, function and mandate of ANF Academy. He highlighted that the training activities are conducted not only for ANF personnel but also for other Federal and Provincial LEA personnel. In his remarks, the Secretary, MNC, expressed his resolve to address all outstanding capacity-building issues of ANF Academy including allotment of adjacent plot for establishment of training area and completion of forensic laboratory.
After the briefing, the Secretary, MNC, addressed the participants of an ongoing course at the ANF Academy and advised them to exhibit highest standards of morality and professionalism while discharging their official duties and to desist from involvement in malpractices. He further emphasized upon the importance of training courses and urged the participants to take keen interest in training activities of academic as well as practical nature. After the address in the auditorium, the Secretary, MNC, visited various parts of the Academy including the under-construction Women’s Hostel which is being built with support from INL-P.
The Secretary, MNC, appreciated the professionalism and competence of the Commandant ANF Academy and his team. In the end, the Commandant presented a souvenir to the Secretary, MNC.