SAPM Dr. Sania Nishtar was accompanied by foreign diplomats and country representatives of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Union, UN Regional Coordinator and British High Commissioner on the visit to Jamrud and Peshawar today, where they took stock of the multisectoral Ehsaas interventions and met beneficiaries. The foreign delegation had expressed an interest to see multi-sectoral Ehsaas interventions in the field. The delegation was especially inspired by the success of the Ehsaas programme that was completed in one and a half years’ time and were fascinated by its transformative characteristics they saw in in Khyber Tribal District and Peshawar. The visit began with the official inauguration of Ehsaas Nashonuma Center at Civil Hospital in Jamrud, Khyber Tribal District. Dr. Nishtar formally opened the Nashonuma centre with a curtain raising. The main purpose of the high-level visit was to learn first-hand and gain a better understanding of the Ehsaas implementation in KP including its social welfare impact in particular. In Jamrud, the delegation interacted with the staff, and beneficiary women and their children present at the registration, anthropometry, awareness, and specialized nutritious food distribution counters of Ehsaas Nashonuma Centre. At the tribal site, Dr. Nishtar briefed the diplomats about the wide-ranging services being provided under the nutrition conditional cash transfer programme. “Across KP, 10 Ehsaas Nashonuma Centres in Khyber Tribal District and Upper Dir have been opened at the district and Tehsil level health facilities in the first phase of the programme”, said Dr. Nishtar. “Every quarter conditional cash-transfers are provided to the poorest pregnant and lactating women and those with children under two years old, totalling PKR 1500 for each boy child and PKR 2,000 for each girl child”, she added. Following the visit to Nashonuma Center, the delegation visited a survey site in outskirts of Peshawar to oversee the digital registration of the local household through survey. During the demonstration, Dr. Nishtar described the data security and transparency checks built into the design, execution and monitoring of the computerized survey. Under the new approach, the socio-economic profiling of households is being carried out through teachers in KP, trained to act as enumerators. The field teams go door to door to conduct the socio-economic profiling of households through an android based application. Later, the delegation joined the children and their mothers at Ehsaas regional offices in Peshawar to witness new enrolments of deserving children in Waseela-e-Taleem Digital. Following a briefing on the recent deep-rooted reforms introduced in Waseela-e-Taleem Digital under the umbrella of Ehsaas, the delegation oversaw details of a boy child being entered in the end-to-end digital system. They also witnessed the quarterly payment being made to the child’s mother. The delegation was very supportive of the Ehsaas interventions that underpin the socio-economic development in an inclusive manner. The official delegation comprised of H.E. Christian Turner, British High Commissioner; Najy Benhassine, Country Director World Bank; Xiaohong Yang, Country Director Asian Development Bank; Julien Harneis, UN Resident Coordinator; Androulla Kaminara, Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan; and Lire Ersado from the World Bank.