Federal Minister for Aviation Division Ghulam Sarwar Khan chaired a meeting which was attended by senior Officers of the Aviation Division. The Secretary Aviation Division Hasan Nasir Jamy briefed the Federal Minister about the on-going inquiries being conducted by the Aviation Division specially to reclaim encroached lands of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Secretary Aviation also updated the Federal Minister about the latest measures being taken by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to limit the spread of Covid-19.
Ghulam Sarwar Khan instructed the Aviation Division to resolve all of the pending issues of the Division. He said that the Aviation Division has worked tirelessly to accommodate all of the travellers at the airports while ensuring safety. He acknowledged the efforts of the Aviation Division and all of the attached departments who are working at the frontline to fight Corona Virus. Federal Minister said that the Aviation Division has proactively taken all necessary measures to immediately go ahead with the domestic operations whenever approval is given by the National Coordination Committee (NCC). He appreciated the role of the Aviation Division in framing and implementing the SOPs for different types of flight operations, at par with the beat industry practices. He added that several other countries have started following the elaborate SOPs framed by the Aviation Division and the Civil Aviation Authority.