In line with the Minister of Defence Production, Ms Zobaida Jalal’s directive, Ministry of Defence Production alongwith its Establishments have stepped forward to complement national fight against COVID-19 and work out methodologies of utilizing existing industrial infrastructure for development of protective gears and other articles. She informed that in line with her instructions, the DPEs had cumulatively developed capability to produce around 300,000 – 400,000 liters of sanitizers, 35,000 high quality masks and 400-500 PPE Suits per day. She further informed that POF had so far supplied approximately 200,000 masks and 350 PPE suits to NDMA, while another 20,000 suits were under preparation. NRTC had carried out on spot free of cost repair of 171 ventilators in various cities of Pakistan and had also developed thermal cameras, walk through gates and VG 70 ventilators; the supply of these items will begin shortly.
The Minister appreciated the performance/contribution of the Ministry and its Establishments and said that we are actively engaged in providing all possible support against the fight for COVID-19 pandemic.