Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan constituted two Inquiry Committees under the chairmanship of Director General FIA to probe into circumstances leading to the Wheat/Flour controversy and the reasons behind increase in sugar prices in the country.
On submission of Inquiry reports from both the Committees certain additional questions were also referred to the Committees seeking further clarifications. Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf and Prime Minister Imran khan have a firm belief on the principles of transparency and accountability as basic ingredients of democracy and good governance therefore on receipt of both reports from the Committees, the Prime Minister has decided to make both the reports and additional answers public. It is pertinent to note that in continuation of probe being carried out by the Inquiry Committee on Sugar Prices, the Federal Government through a Cabinet decision expanded the scope of said Inquiry Committee to an Inquiry Commission by conferring powers given under The Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Act 2017. The Commission is further carrying out forensic analysis to expand on the findings of the Inquiry Committee. The Commission is due to complete its task on 25th April 2020 after which the findings will be made public and any corrective and/or punitive measures required or recommended will be taken by the Federal Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.