PR No. 222 Pakistan has made tremendous Progress in Eradicating Polio Health Minister addresses Meeting of WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region at World Health Assembly. Islamabad

Minister for National Health Services Saira Afzal Tarar while addressing the Health Minister of WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region shared that unprecedented progress has been made is stopping transmission of polio virus with lowest ever case count of 20 on 2016 and 2 so far this year. She said we are carrying out aggressively the surveillance fot polio and have established 53 environmental sampling sites which is the largest surveillance network in the world. Our Prime Minister is leading the effort and there is the strongest of political commitment to the cause. These are our children and we will leave np stone unturned to protect them from this crippling disease said the minister while expressing her resolve. The minister also spoke at length on Sustainable Development Goals and progress made by Pakistan in developing the 5 year coasted National Action Plan as part of Global Health Security Agenda and International Health Regulations. Pakistan’s track record of dealing effectively with manmade and natural disasters was also shared by the Minister.