PR No.90
Islamabad: January 12, 2022

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Senator Shibli Faraz had an interactive session with the Beat Reporters in Ministry of Science and Technology. During the interactive Session various questions asked by Beat Reporters were addressed. Federal Minister highlighted the role that Science and Technology plays in the economy and betterment of Country. Federal Minister emphasized that Ministry of Science and Technology is working using all the capabilities to fulfill her responsibilities and is paving its way towards Technological Innovation and Prosperity. One of main area of discussion was approval of National Science and Technology Innovation Policy by Cabinet Yesterday. “National Science Technology and Innovation Policy will provide a master plan and guiding light. This policy will provide alignment, cohesion and harmony amongst all Science and Technology related activities and initiatives in the country”, said Federal Minister for Science and Technology. Federal Minister highlighted the initiatives taken by Ministry and timelines achieved so far. The updates on pertinent programs like STEM and HEMP project were shared. Future plans about launch of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) for primary level students was discussed which will contribute towards cognitive development of students. Minister responded to questions asked by the Beat Reporters. He encouraged contribution and role of Journalists in fulfilling their duties. Session ended on a positive note of having more frequent interactive sessions in future to enhance the mutual communication.
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